New and classic approaches for pesticide testing – how to save costs & time and reduce the CO2-footprint of your lab without compromising excellent performance! Stuart Adams & David Gould Waters Corp. – United Kingdom
Maximizing sample throughput and scope of pesticide residue coverage using high resolution and nominal mass spectrometry techniques. Jonathan Spencer1 & Teresa Klink2 1Agilent Technologies; Cheadle – United Kingdom 2Agilent Technologies; Waldbronn – Germany
One Analyzer, Multiple Solutions: From MOSH, MOAH, Pesticides, and Beyond Dmitrii Rakov LECO EATC; Berlin – Germany
Is an Inert LC-Column Hardware Beneficial for Pesticide Analysis? -Innovative Liquid Chromatography Techniques and Columns- Diego Lopez Restek Corporation; Bellefonte/PA – USA
The New PAL Micro-SPE Cartridge for Automated Pesticides Extraction and Clean-up Hans-Joachim Hübschmann CTC Analytics AG; Zwingen – Switzerland
Comparison of automated vs. centrifugal μ-SPE for the analysis of pesticides and other contaminants in a variety of foods Steven J. Lehotay USDA Agricultural Research Service Eastern Regional Research Center; Wyndmoor – USA
Sampleprep – Improved Analysis of Organic Pollutants in Food Products (Pesticide Residues) Sample Preparation by Optimising Bulk Sample Comminution Alongside Automated Residue Extraction Equipment Paul Lynch Cole-Parmer; London – United Kingdom
ChemisTwin™ Portal for Automated Structure Verification and Quantification of Pesticides by NMR Albert Farre Perez Merck KGaA; Buchs – Switzerland