
Dear Colleagues and Friends,

Welcome to the website of the European Pesticide Residue Workshop (EPRW). The Scientific and Organising Committee are delighted to invite you to the 15th EPRW that will take place in Zurich, Switzerland, from the 16th to the 20th of September 2024.

Join us for this key event dedicated to the latest developments for the analysis of pesticide residues in food and drink. It is a unique opportunity to network with renowned residue experts from around the world in a pleasant atmosphere – specialists and authorities from governmental and private laboratories, public organisations, regulatory bodies, research institutes, food producers and distributors, pesticide manufactures and all major vendors of analytical equipment and consumables.

As in previous EPRWs we set off with a pre-workshop course on Monday afternoon. In the late afternoon there is the welcome reception. From Tuesday to Friday the scientific programme will cover plenary lectures, oral presentations, roundtable discussions, young scientists’ oral presentations, and poster sessions and awards.  Also, vendor sessions and an exhibition area constitute an integral part of the meeting.

Thanks for being a part of our scientific journey, and we look forward to seeing you and your contributions and insights in the world of pesticide residue analysis.

Andreas Schürmann
EPRW 2024 Chair